Breast Reduction for Men in Turkey
Gynecomastia, the enlargement of male breasts, is a medical condition that can affect men at various
stages of life. It can occur in newborn boys, adolescents, young adults, and middle-aged individuals. The
likelihood of developing gynecomastia increases with age and as individuals reach old age.
Men can undergo breast reduction surgery if they suffer from breast enlargement, a condition known as
gynecomastia. The common belief is that enlarged male breasts are primarily a result of obesity, but this
is not the sole reason. Men, like women, can experience abnormal growth of breast glandular tissue,
usually due to hormonal imbalances.
Other causes of breast enlargement in males include:
Age: Studies have shown that adolescence and the onset of new stages in a man’s life, along
with hormonal imbalances during these periods, can be a factor in gynecomastia. An
imbalance, specifically between estrogen and testosterone hormones, can lead to breast
Poor diet: Consuming a diet high in fast food, high-calorie and fatty foods, and abandoning
low-calorie foods that benefit the body can lead to weight gain and obesity.
Excessive alcohol consumption
Use of certain medications, especially anabolic steroids
Certain medical conditions such as liver failure and cancer
Congenital deformity (birth defect)
Sudden weight loss, which can cause skin sagging.
Breast reduction surgery can be considered for men who feel embarrassed about their appearance due to
gynecomastia, aiming to correct this unsatisfactory shape.
Symptoms of Gynecomastia in Men:
Some men may be surprised by unusual changes in the chest area, causing concern about the cause. They
may wonder whether these are symptoms of cancerous tumors or gynecomastia. To recognize
gynecomastia, it’s essential to be aware of its symptoms, including:
Abnormal breast enlargement in men, making the breasts noticeable, which is not typical as
male breasts are generally small and flat.
Noticeable swelling in the breasts and surrounding tissues, accompanied by tenderness.
Pain when pressing on the breast area.
Formation of clustered tissue and fatty glands under the nipples.
Clear protrusion and changing shape of the nipple, nearing hardening.
Sometimes, overall sagging in breast size and contour.
Discharge from one or both nipples.
Appearance of some ulcers around the breast area.
Instructions to Follow Before Gynecomastia Surgery in Turkey:
Quit smoking at least two weeks before the surgery.
Discontinue any medications that may negatively affect the gynecomastia surgery and
replace them with alternatives after consulting the doctor.
Stop taking aspirin, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory medications.
Cease the use of herbal supplements to avoid bleeding during the procedure.
Prepare mentally, avoid anxiety and stress, and have open communication with the doctor
about all concerns, procedure steps, and outcomes with full credibility.
Grades of Gynecomastia in Men:
Gynecomastia severity varies and is classified into several grades based on its shape, fat quantity, and
sagging. These grades are:
Grade 1: Small Gynecomastia In the first grade, gynecomastia appears as a slight bulge around the
areola, classified as small gynecomastia. The enlarged part is different in color from the skin as it is
located in the areola area, making it less noticeable, especially when wearing clothes. Early treatment is
recommended through exercise, medication, hormonal balance checks, and surgery is generally not
Grade 2: Moderate Gynecomastia Moderate gynecomastia extends beyond the areola borders, with tissue
expanding above the chest muscles. The breasts may not be noticeable when wearing loose clothing.
Lowering estrogen levels through dietary changes and supplements is advised. If natural methods fail, the
doctor may recommend medication or surgery.
Grade 3: Moderate to Severe Gynecomastia In this grade, breast enlargement covers the entire areola and
extends beyond the chest muscles. Despite the moderate tissue, it is easily noticeable, even under loose
clothing. Treatment usually involves medication or surgical intervention.
Grade 4: Severe Gynecomastia Severe gynecomastia is characterized by excessive skin sagging. The
breast enlarges significantly, and the skin sags significantly. This is the most noticeable grade, and
surgical intervention is often the primary treatment option.
Techniques of Gynecomastia Surgery in Men in Turkey:
There are three techniques commonly used for gynecomastia surgery in men in Turkey, and the choice of
technique depends on the individual case:
First Technique: Liposuction for Breast Reduction This procedure is performed under local anesthesia
and is used to suction fat that is difficult to eliminate naturally. Small incisions are made around the
breast area to introduce specialized substances to dissolve the fat, making it easier to suction and
completely remove. The chest is then tightened, and the incisions are closed using laser technology.
Compression bandages or dressings are applied to the operation site and should only be removed under
the doctor’s instructions.
Second Technique: Surgical Intervention
Continuation of Gynecomastia Surgery Information:
Third Technique: Fusion Technique This technique is used for cases with issues in breast tissues and fat
accumulation. It involves removing swollen glands and tissues, liposuction to eliminate fat, and
effectively tightening the chest. This helps restore the original state and eliminate excess.
Other Surgical Techniques:
Nipple Freeing: In this procedure, the nipple is completely removed and replaced with a free
skin graft. The drawback of this procedure is that if the grafting process fails, additional
surgeries may be necessary to redefine the chest shape.
Nipple Switching: In this case, the nipple remains attached to a very thin piece of skin. It is
secured under the breast to position it more suitably. This technique avoids excessive exposure
to the nipple and still allows the chest circumference to remain level, removing any
Post-Gynecomastia Surgery Tips:
Adhere to all doctor’s instructions regarding sleeping positions, preferably sleeping straight
and avoiding bending to prevent complications to the surgical site.
Rest is crucial, especially in the first three days following the surgery, to quickly regain the
body’s well-being.
Strictly follow pain relievers and medication schedules to avoid feeling any pain after
gynecomastia surgery.
Rely on fluids in the initial post-surgery days, gradually reintroducing solid foods into the
Avoid consuming any carbonated beverages, alcoholic drinks, and any type of drugs or
smoking after the surgery for up to two weeks to avoid complications.
Follow all doctor’s instructions and guidance, wearing medical compressors or binders on
the breast area regularly.
Avoid stress and engage in vigorous activities or sports that require effort, such as swimming
or weightlifting, while avoiding driving in the first days after the surgery.
Start gradually walking for half an hour daily to quickly regain your activity level.
Post-Gynecomastia Surgery Precautions:
Avoid exposing the surgical area to direct sunlight, and use sunscreen if necessary.
Do not submerge the chest area in water, including swimming pools and hot tubs, until the
doctor approves.
Avoid lifting heavy objects and strenuous activities for at least three weeks post-surgery.
Attend all follow-up appointments with the surgeon to monitor the healing process and
address any concerns.
It’s important to note that gynecomastia surgery, like any surgical procedure, involves risks and potential
complications. It’s crucial to have thorough consultations with a qualified surgeon to discuss individual
health conditions, expectations, and the best approach for the specific case.