Obesity process in Turkey

Obesity process in Turkey: Obesity is currently considered the disease of the age, and the presence of obesity means the presence of excess fat in the body, that is, it indicates that a body mass index “BMI” greater than 30 degrees is considered obese, and obesity has cumulative risks that lead to many diseases with time.

The treatment of obesity needs permanent long-term follow-up, through following a specific diet in addition to doing many daily exercises to get rid of fat and reach a healthy harmonious body.

Losing weight will bring great health benefits to the body, as it will lower blood pressure and reduce the risks of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

The main causes of obesity

Excessive eating and physical inactivity.

Genetic causes, where one of the parents or family is obese, the possibility of obesity is very high.

Diets high in carbohydrates and eating a lot of sugar.

Irregular eating times during the day.

Lack of physical activity and lack of exercise to burn excess body fat

Sleeve gastrectomy and gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey

It is a surgical procedure with the aim of reducing body weight and reducing the size of the stomach to fit later with the new diet and not feel hungry. Sleeve gastrectomy is performed either surgically or by using an endoscope. In our hospital, we use the best modern techniques in sleeve gastrectomy and cut the stomach, which includes inserting precise instruments through multiple small incisions in the upper part of the abdomen. During this resection, about 80% of the stomach will be cut leaving a part of it that looks like a banana-shaped tube.

Types of gastric sleeve and gastric sleeve surgeries in our hospitals

Surgical cut stomach

People with an excessively high BMI of more than 55 are at increased risk of being overweight.

Our doctors recommend the sleeve gastrectomy during the first part of the surgery, which consists of two parts. This gives the patient an opportunity to lose weight for the first year before the second surgery, as bypass surgery is performed to help the patient lose the remaining weight. And the patient may not need the second surgery if the first surgery leads to losing weight to the appropriate rate for him.

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy 

During the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, about 75 percent of the stomach volume will be cut.

In this operation, the intestine is not removed and is not bypassed during the gastric sleeve operation.

After the endoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, the stomach takes a banana-like tube shape, connecting from above to the esophagus and from below to the intestine. As a result of the new small size of the stomach, the person will no longer be able to eat a large amount of food at one time, but is limited to only a small meal of food, yet he will feel full for a longer period than before.

Gastric bypass surgery

The gastric bypass operation is very similar to the sleeve gastrectomy, and what is happening in this process is to cut the stomach from the top to the beginning of the small intestine, leaving a small ball-like part, and then connect this spherical bag to the small intestine.

Conditions for performing a gastric sleeve operation

It is well known that the damages of being overweight will later lead to the emergence of other diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and many related diseases.

Gastric reduction surgeries are resorted to when it is difficult to lose weight using medications, or the inability to follow the necessary exercise exercises in order to lose weight, or the inability to follow harsh diets during the past periods.

Stomach reduction surgery becomes necessary in the following cases:

Body mass index: When the mass index exceeds the 40 barrier, it has become very necessary to get rid of excess weight, and therefore the sleeve gastrectomy process becomes important and appropriate for him.

Diseases associated with weight gain: When additional follow-ups are observed with weight gain, it is better to stop them and start the weight loss and gastric sleeve program.

Conducting the necessary medical tests before the sleeve gastrectomy operation to ensure its success: Body mass index is not the only criterion for the operation. The doctor must be informed of the results of the following tests:

Various blood tests such as complete blood picture (CBC)

fasting blood sugar analysis

Blood tests for cholesterol and triglycerides

Kidney and liver functions

Thyroid hormone analysis.

Perform a television image of the abdomen.

Make a TV picture of the gallbladder.

The most important tips to follow before gastric sleeve surgery

The smoking patient is advised to stop smoking at least three months before performing the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.

Follow a correct diet at least two weeks before the date of the operation.

Reducing the amount of food eaten three days before the procedure.

Fasting the day before the operation.

The stages of the gastric sleeve surgery in detail using the endoscope

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, under the supervision of a specialist anesthesiologist.

The surgeon makes several small cuts in the patient’s abdomen to insert the instruments through it.

The stage of inserting the endoscope performed by the doctor, which is a small imaging camera, which is connected from the outside to a display screen to enlarge and display the image from the inside.

By means of the cautery device, the surgeon separates the stomach from the rest of the internal organs in order not to cause any damage to it, and this is done with the latest cautery devices that preserve the blood vessels and keep the blood from bleeding inside the stomach.

Modern staplers are also used, in which the surgeon cuts and staples the stomach at the same time without any bleeding or leakage. And a small part of it remains in the form of a tube or in the form of a “sleeve”.

The surgeon removes the laparoscopic device and sews up the small incisions used to insert the camera and instruments in a cosmetic way without scarring.

Eating regimen after gastric sleeve surgery

After the gastric sleeve operation, the patient must adhere to eating low-fat and sugar-free food.

Crushing and chewing food well and slowly.

Avoid foods with trans fats, fried, processed and fast foods.

Avoid dehydration, by drinking water regularly.

Eat foods that contain vitamins and nutritional supplements.

Avoid drinking alcohol.

Avoid taking over the counter medications that may reduce the protective natural gastric coating.

The importance of stomach reduction surgery

Adjust blood pressure.

Lose weight faster.

Getting rid of joint pain and relieving it as a result of obesity and high weight.

Maintain heart health, prevent angina pectoris and atherosclerosis.

Increase the chances of conception and pregnancy.

Controlling the amount of food eaten, and feeling full quickly.

Reducing the symptoms of diabetes.

The psychological condition of the patient improves when he obtains his ideal weight.

Treating sleep apnea.

Get rid of harmful cholesterol and excess fat.

In Medical Istanbul, we are happy to receive  your questions regarding the Sleeve gastrectomy and gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey.

You can contact us directly via phone on the English speaking translators line, you can also submit your reports directly and send the exact description of your illness.

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